Wednesday, February 20, 2008

David's Birthday

The family got together again to celebrate all the January/February birthdays which included Mom, Ross, Claire & David. We had a great time just being able to spend time with the family and letting the kids play. With everyone's busy life it's nice to take some time and catch up with everyone once in awhile.

Of course Ross was happy to be getting gifts again, his favorite had to be the fishing pole he received from Papa & Grandma, he can't wait to go fishing and try it out.

Todd and Ella had more fun with the boxes and wrapping paper. They played great together all except for the pushing, hair pulling & biting. Of course there was some hugging and kissing going on too. Just the normal kids stuff!

I decided that instead of having the normal birthday cake we would do something different and have Chocolate Fondue with lots of different fruits, cakes and even strawberry marshmellows. As you can see it was a big hit!

Papa & Grandma getting hugs for Claire!

The end of the night and it looks like Chanele is ready for bed.
Can't wait for next time!

Our 19th Anniversary

For our anniversary we decided to get away without the kids for a couple of days so we headed to one of our favorite B&B's in Lady Lake and totally enjoyed just relaxing and spending time together. It was wonderful and I wish we could have stayed longer but of course we had to get back to work and we missed the kids.